beautiful quilling greeting card

Boring with normal greeting cards... Lets try QUILLING PAPER GREETING CARDS

Its Unique  greeting card , its hand made greeting card.
you can use this card in all occasions like BIRTHDAY/WEDDING ANNIVERSARY /VALENTINES DAY/ALL BEST WISHES

Its Personalized greeting card, you can Paste Photo of Your Friend/Relative to whom you want to wish.

You can also write your message in free space.

we used  quilling papers to made it.   you can personalize this greeting card.

it contains 4 pages , you can write message in 2&3 pages (inner), you can paste photos also.

we will make Personalized greetings if you ordered in our website, we will make all orders  through EBAY only

wish u a happy new year

 Boring with normal greeting cards... Lets try QUILLING PAPER GREETING CARDS

Its Unique  greeting card , its hand made greeting card.
you can use this card in all occasions like BIRTHDAY/WEDDING ANNIVERSARY /VALENTINES DAY/ALL BEST WISHES,new year celebration

we used  quilling papers to made it.   you can personalize this greeting card.

it contains 4 pages , you can write message in 2&3 pages (inner), you can paste photos also.

we will make Personalized greetings if you ordered in our website, we will make all orders  through EBAY only

personalized greeting card

 Boring with normal greeting cards... Lets try QUILLING PAPER GREETING CARDS

Its Unique  greeting card , its hand made greeting card.
you can use this card in all occasions like BIRTHDAY/WEDDING ANNIVERSARY /VALENTINES DAY/ALL BEST WISHES

Its Personalized greeting card, you can Paste Photo of Your Friend/Relative to whom you want to wish.

You can also write your message in free space.

we used  quilling papers to made it.   you can personalize this greeting card.

it contains 4 pages , you can write message in 2&3 pages (inner), you can paste photos also.

Earrings Buy Online

Boring with normal Ear Rings... Lets try QUILLING EAR RINGS

Its Unique ear ring, its hand made ear ring.

we used  quilling papers to made it.   

we will make Personalized greetings & All Unique Gifts if you ordered in our website.

we will make all orders through EBAY only

contact : 77449 10818

Do you want to buy this item through EBAY: CLICK HERE

Earrings buy online

Boring with normal Ear Rings... Lets try QUILLING EAR RINGS

Its Unique ear ring, its hand made ear ring.

we used  quilling papers to made it.   

we will make Personalized greetings & All Unique Gifts if you ordered in our website.

we will make all orders through EBAY only

contact : 77449 10818

Do you want to buy this item through EBAY: CLICK HERE

Earrings buy online

Boring with normal Ear Rings... Lets try QUILLING EAR RINGS

Its Unique ear ring, its hand made ear ring.

we used  quilling papers to made it.   

we will make Personalized greetings & All Unique Gifts if you ordered in our website.

we will make all orders through EBAY only

contact : 77449 10818

Do you want to buy this item through EBAY: CLICK HERE